Time Line Therapy®, or TLT, was created in the 1980s by Dr Tad James and has evolved from NLP and Hypnosis. It is an incredibly powerful therapeutic technique that has the power to enable fundamental change. So much so, that Tad James wrote a book with Wyatt Woodsmall called 'Time Line Therapy and the basis of personality'.

It works on the basis that we store memories on a timeline from the past to now. Significant emotional events that have resulted in emotions such as Anger, Sadness, Fear, Hurt or Guilt are significant and debilitating to live with. Time Line Therapy® enables a client to very quickly eliminate those feelings, thereby being free from the negative states that may have been holding them back.

It truly is incredibly powerful and does not require a client to have to relive the past trauma. In fact, having to relive trauma is incredibly bad for the client. That's why TLT makes sure that a client does not do so. TLT enables powerful and effective change that's quick and releases the client from ever having to feel the trauma again.


Accelerate Performance is on a mission to provide people with the tools and skills to lead their best life. If you want to undertake training to become an NLP Practitioner or Master Practitioner, or a Hypnotherapist, or you’d like a series of one-to-one Hypnosis, NLP or Time Line Therapy sessions, or could do with some coaching, then we are here to help. Contact us.

© Accelerate Performance (AP) Ltd


Accelerate Performance (AP) Ltd

Dalton House

Windsor Avenue



SW19 2RR